Achille Caulier Cruelle femme en amour
Achille Caulier lHôpital damour
Added Introduction to heraldry
Added texts Prayers in Latin
Aegidius of Roya Compendium historiae universalis
Aelius Donatus De octo partibus orationis
Alain Chartier Complainte contre la mort
Alain Chartier Débat de réveillematin
Alain Chartier Débat des deux fortunés damour ou Débat du gras et du maigre chevalier
Alain Chartier Excusation envers les dames
Alain Chartier La Belle Dame sans merci
Alain Chartier Lai de paix
Alain Chartier Lai de plaisance
Alain Chartier Le Bréviaire des nobles
Alain Chartier Le Livre des quatre Dames
Album with cuttings of decoration
Alexander Master draughtsman
Alexander Master painter
Alonso de Spina La forteresse de la foy
Amant rendu cordelier à lobservance damour
Antiphonary diurnal winter part incomplete
Antiphonary fragment
Antiphonary winter part Cistercian use
Aristotle Ethique Translation from the Latin by Nicole Oresme
Armorial des Chevaliers de la Table Ronde
Armorial of France and the Southern Netherlands
Ars memorandi capitula evangeliorum
Assumption Master
Augustine De civitate Dei
Augustine De civitate Dei Idem Liber de cura pro mortuis gerenda
Augustine La Cité de Dieu Vol I Translation from the Latin by Raoul de Presles
Augustine La Cité de Dieu Vol II Translation from the Latin by Raoul de Presles
Aurifaber workshop related to
Avicenna Canon medicinae Books III V translation from the Arab by Gerard of Cremona
Azor Masters
Baudet Herenc Le Parlement damour
Bedford Master follower
Bestiarium Herbarius Anatomia corporis humani Marbodus Redonensis Lapidarius
Bible Masters of the First Generation
Bible Masters of the First Generation Alexander Master draughtsman
Bible Masters of the First Generation Azor Masters
Bible Masters of the First Generation Claes Brouwer
Bible Masters of the First Generation Gethsemane Master
Bible Masters of the First Generation Gethsemane Masters
Bible Masters of the First Generation Master Azor
Bible Masters of the First Generation Master F
Bible Masters of the First Generation Psalter Master
Bible Masters of the Second Generation
Bible incomplete
Bible moralisée
Boethius De consolatione philosophiae And other texts
Book of Hours
Book of Hours Bezborodko Hours
Book of Hours Dominican use
Book of Hours Hours of Catharine de Medici use of Rome
Book of Hours Hours of Catherine of Aragon use of Sarum
Book of Hours Hours of Isabella of Castile use of Rome
Book of Hours Hours of Jean Lallemant le Jeune use of Bourges
Book of Hours Hours of Philip of Burgundy use of Paris containing in French Poème sur les mois
Book of Hours Hours of Simon de Varie use of Paris
Book of Hours Hours of the Virgin only use of Rome
Book of Hours and Prayer Book
Book of Hours and Prayer Book Dominican use
Book of Hours and Prayer Book mainly rhimed
Book of Hours and Prayer Book use of Rome
Book of Hours in Dutch
Book of Hours in Latin and Dutch use of Liège
Book of Hours in Latin and French use of Paris
Book of Hours in Latin use of Utrecht
Book of Hours incomplete
Book of Hours part Penitential Psalms Office of the Dead en Commendatio animae
Book of Hours use of
Book of Hours use of Antwerp
Book of Hours use of Besançon
Book of Hours use of Cambrai added section Premonstrantensian use containing in French Suite de prières en vers pour la messe
Book of Hours use of Paris
Book of Hours use of Rheims
Book of Hours use of Rheims containing in French Prière à Ste Barbe
Book of Hours use of Rome
Book of Hours use of Rome and SarumRouen containing in French 4 commentaires de prières
Book of Hours use of Rome and Thérouanne
Book of Hours use of Rome containing in French La prière dArnoul
Book of Hours use of Rome containing in French Prière aux trois Maries
Book of Hours use of Rome part only
Book of Hours use of Rouen
Book of Hours use of Sarum
Book of Hours use of SarumRouen
Book of Hours use of Tournai
Book of Hours use of Troyes
Book of Hours use of Utrecht
Book of Hours use unknown
Breviary Bridgettine use
Breviary Bridgettine use Office of the Dead use of Liège Bridgettine Ordinary
Breviary Psalter and Common of Saints only use of Autun
Breviary summer part use of Utrecht
Breviary third part
Cato Disticha together with the French translation by Jean Le Fèvre c 1320after 1380
Charter given in 1445 by Philip the Good of Burgundy to the Convent Poelgeest at Leyden
Charters privileges and other ducuments of the cities of Flanders concerning Flanders
ChoirPsalter Hymnary Franciscan use
Christine de Pisan Heures de contemplacion sur la Passion de Nostre Seigneur
Christine de Pisan LEpistre dOthea
Christine de Pisan Le Livre de la mutacion de Fortune
Christine de Pisan Le Livre des trois vertus
Chronicle of Flanders Adaptation of Anthonis de Rooveres Exellente cronike van Vlaenderen 6211482 with a continuation up to 1494
Chronicle of the Kings of England from William the Conqueror to Henry IV in Latin
Chronique dite de Baudouin dAvesnes Vol I
Chronique dite de Baudouin dAvesnes Vol II
Cicero Livre damitié Translation from the Latin by Laurent de Premierfait
Cicero Livre de vieillesse
Cicero Oraison pour Marcellus
Claes Brouwer
Claes Heynenz Hollantsche cronike
Collectio canonum
Complainte du nouveau marié
Complainte sur la mort de Jacques Milet
Complainte sur la mort de la Dauphine Marguerite décosse
Copie de la requé te baillée aux dames
Court Style follower
Court style
Curial French translation of Alain Chartier De vita curiali
Débat de la demoiselle et de la bourgeoise
Dame leale en amours
Danse macabre des femmes
Desserte du déloyal
Die Dietsche Doctrinale Beatrijs Dit es vanden aflaten van Rome Jacob van Maerlant Die heimelicheit der heimelicheden
Diebold Lauber workshop
Dirc van Delf Tafel van den kersten ghelove
Dit de lUnicorne
Diurnal Carthusian use
Diurnal use of Windesheim
Diurnal winter part Cistercian use
Donato Acciuolo Vie de Scipion lAfricain
Du Prat workshop
Een nuttelic boec den kerstenen menschen
Eike von Repgow Saksenspiegel
Enseignement in French ff 2133
Etienne Collault
Eusebius of Caesarea Chronici canones in the translation of St Jerome
Fasciculus temporum
Fauvel Master
Ferial Psalter for use in a convent of Augtinian nuns
Ferial Psalter noted fragment
Ferial Psalter use of Utrecht
Festal Missal
First Master of the Grande Bible Historiale Complétée of Jean Duc de Berry Paris BNF fr 159
Follower of the Boston Master
FrancoSaxon school
Gautier de Coinci Miracles de Nostre Dame
Genealogy of the Kings of England
Gethsemane Master
Gethsemane Masters
Ghent Associates
Giovanni Aurispa Comparaison entre Alexandre Hannibal et Scipion adaptation of Lucianus of Samosatas Comparison between Alexander the Great and Hannibal Translations from the Latin and the Italian
Giovanni Boccaccio Le Decameron Translated from the Italian by Laurent de Premierfait
Gospel Book
Gospels Egmond Gospels
Gradual fragment
Gradual use of Liège
Gregory the Great Les Homélies sur les quatre évangiles
Guiard des Moulins Bible Historiale Complétée
Guiard des Moulins Bible Historiale Complétée Vol I incomplete
Guiard des Moulins Grande Bible Historiale Complétée
Guillaume Alecis Alexis Prayer to Mary
Guillaume Alecis Débat de lhomme mondain et dun sien compagnon qui se veut rendre religieux
Guillaume Durand de Mende Le Rational des divins offices Translation from the Latin by Jean Golein
Guillaume de Deguileville Die pelgrimage van der menscheliker creaturen
Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun Le Roman de la Rose
Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun Le Roman de la Rose Le Testament de Jean de Meun
Guy of Chauliac La grande chirurgie
Heinrich von Aken Die Rose Roman van Cassamus Die Frenesie
Henry Suso Horloge de sapience
Hippocrates Aphorismi et prognostica cum commentis Galeni And other texts
Histoire ancienne jusquà César first redaction
History Bible
History Bible Psalter and New Testament
History Bible part 2 JobMaccabees NT Die Destructie van Jerusalem
Honorius of Autun Lucidaire Translation from the Latin le second Lucidaire redaction abrégée
Hours of the H Sacrament Ferial psalter and cantica And other text
Hubert le Prevost Vie de St Hubert
Huon de SaintQuentin Complainte de Jérusalem contre la Cour de Rome ff 45v 1v
Huon le Roi de Cambrai Regrets Notre Dame
I Pierre dAilly Le jardin amoureux
II Triboulet Complainte contre la Mort
Jacob van Maerlant Der Naturen Bloeme
Jacob van Maerlant Rhimebible
Jacob van Maerlant Rijmbijbel Idem Die Destructie van Jerusalem
Jacob van Maerlant Rijmbijbel Idem Die wrake van Jherusalem
Jacob van Maerlant Spieghel Historiael
Jacobus de Voragine Gulden legende Summer part
Jacques de Valère Diego de Valera Traité de noblesse Translated from the Spanish by Hugues de Salve Gonsalve de Vargas
Jean Bondol
Jean Dreux
Jean Fouquet
Jean Fouquet follower
Jean Froissart Chroniques Vol I
Jean Froissart Kroniek Vol III Translated from the French by Gerrit Potter van de Loo
Jean Hennecart
Jean Hennecart follower
Jean Lemaire de Belges Genealogie de Madame Anne de la Tour princesse de lEcosse
Jean Molinet Le Roman de la Rose moralisé et translaté en prose
Jean Pichore follower
Jean de Courcy La Bouquechardière
Jean de Remin Enseignement moult piteux Livre dimpatience
Jean de Wavrin Les chroniques dAngleterre Vols II III V
Jean le Tavernier
Jean le Tavernier follower
Jerome Epistolae
Jerome Epistolary
Jerome Sermo de natali sancti Johannis Petrus Damiani Sermo de Sancto Johanne Evangelista composite volume
Johannes Chrisostomos Homiliae IVI in laudem beati Pauli apostoli
Johannes Januensis Catholicon
John of Bréhal Tractatus de laude pacis And other texts
Juan Mari follower
Lambert of SaintOmer Le livre fleurissant en fleurs Prose translation of Lambert of SaintOmer Liber Floridus
Lambert of St Omer Liber Floridus
Laurent du Bois Somme le Roi Chapter III Traité des vices
Laurentius presbiter de Andwerpia
Lay Breviary
Le Livre de Sidrac le philosophe
Le Livre de linformation des princes Translation from the Latin by Jean Golein
Le séjour de deuil pour la mort de Philippe de Commines
Lectionary with Gospel and Epistle lessons glossed summer part
Leonardo Bruni Aretino Vie de Cicero Cicero Novus Translations from the Latin by Simon de Bourgouin
Les 50 Ave de NotreDame
Les douze chapitres du blason darmes
Lettres envoyées par les dames à Alain Chartier
Lieven van Lathem
Life of Christ in prayers
Life of St Barbara
Life of St Euphrosyne
Life of St Francis Dat Spiegel der volmaectheit der mynre brueders And other text added
Life of St Francis La leggenda del beate messere sancto franciescho
Life of St Thais
Livy Histoire romaine 4th Decade Translation from the Latin by Pierre Bersuire
Livy Histoire romaine Translation from the Latin by Pierre Bersuire
Loyset Liaedet
Loyset Liaedet follower
Loyset Liedet follower
Luçon Master follower
Méditation de la Passion in Latin
Méditation par saint Augustin
Maïtre François
Maïtre Henri
Manière de blasonner armes en couleurs
Martin von Troppau Chronicon Imperatorum Excerpten
Mass and Office Book of the Confraternity of St Catherine founded in the Hôpital de SteCatherine at Paris noted
Master Azor
Master Azor follower
Master of Étienne Sanderat de Bourgogne
Master of 1482
Master of 1482 follower
Master of Antoine Rolin
Master of Antoine Rolin follower
Master of Antoine de Bourgogne
Master of BNF fr 160
Master of Cambridge 268
Master of Catherine of Cleves
Master of Edward IV
Master of Evert Zoudenbalch
Master of Hugo Jansz van Woerden
Master of Isabella di Chiaromonte
Master of Jacquemart Pilavaine
Master of Jacques dArmagnac
Master of Jean Rolin
Master of Jean Rolin follower
Master of Margaret of York
Master of The Hague KB 69 B 10
Master of the Adair Hours follower
Master of the Bible of Jean de Sy First Master
Master of the Boston City of God
Master of the Boston City of God follower
Master of the Breviary of Senlis at Montpellier
Master of the Cité de Dieu of Mëcon
Master of the Cité des Dames
Master of the Coronation of Charles VI of the Grandes Chroniques de France
Master of the Delft Halflength Figures
Master of the Dresden Prayer Book
Master of the Dunois Hours
Master of the Echevinage de Rouen
Master of the Epütre dOthaea
Master of the Feathery Clouds
Master of the Geneva Latini follower
Master of the Gold Scrolls
Master of the Haarlem bible
Master of the Hours of Thomas Hoo
Master of the Jean de Mandeville of Charles V Paris BN nagr 4515
Master of the Modena Book of Hours
Master of the Prélats Bourguignons follower
Master of the PraeEykian Realism late
Master of the Prayer Books of c 1500
Master of the Prince of Piaemont follower
Master of the Psalter of Jean le Meingre III
Master of the Trivial Heads
Master of the small eyes aux yeux bridaees
Masters of Hugo Jansz van Woerden
Masters of Marienwater
Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht
Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht Utrecht group
Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht follower
Masters of Zweder van Culemborg
Masters of Zweder van Culemborg precursor
Masters of the Dark Eyes
Masters of the Dark Eyes Bezborodko
Masters of the Dark Eyes Bezborodko Master of the Bezborodko Hours
Masters of the Dark Eyes Marciana group Master of Cornelis Croesinck
Masters of the Dark Eyes Margareth of Austria group
Masters of the Dark Eyes Robinson
Masters of the Delft Grisailles
Masters of the Delft HalfLength Figures
Masters of the Delft Halflength Figures
Masters of the Gold Scroll Group follower
Masters of the Gold Scrolls
Masters of the Gold Scrolls follower
Masters of the Haarlem Bible
Masters of the Suffrages
Masters of the Zwolle Bible follower
Masters with the small eyes aux yeux bridaees
Mathurin atelier follower
Matteo Felice
Michiel van der Borch
Military ordonnances of Charles the Bold
Miroir de lâme pécheresse Translation from the Latin by Jean Miélot
Missal Dominican use
Missal Missal of the Church of St Servatius Maastricht use of Liège
Missal noted use of Utrecht
Missal use of Rome
Missal use of Utrecht
Missal winter part
Moerdrecht Master follower
Monkey Master
Moses Ben Abraham Chronique de la Bible
Neuf paroles dAubert de Cologne
New Testament with the Old Testament Epistle Readings
Nicholas of Lyra Postilla litteralis in Vetus Testamentum
Nicolaus de Lyra Postilla litteralis fragments
O intemerata in French
Obsecro te in French
Ordonnance de messe
Origenes Expositio super cantica canticorum
Orosius Master
Passion of Christ from the Gospels Apocalyps Acts And other texts
Penitential Psalms Office of the Dead Bridgettine use And other texts
Penitential psalms with prayers and offices
Peter Comestor Historia scholastica fragment I Peter Pictor Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi II Theobald of Troyes Summa Bibliae III Biblia pauperum IV
Peter Lombard Glossa in Epistulas Pauli Peter of Tarentasia Glossa in Epistulas Pauli
Petrus Candido Decembrio Comparaison entre Caesar et Alexandre
Petrus Lombardus Commentarius in psalmos
Petrus Maynardus De triplici imperio
Petrus de Raimbaucourt
Petrus van Herenthals Collectarius Super Librum Psalmorum
Picture Bible prefatory cycle preceding a Psalter
Pierre Choque Commémoration de la mort dAnne reine de France duchesse de Bretagne
Pierre de Nesson Vigiles des Morts
Pliny the Younger Oraison &hellip la loenge de Traianus
Plutarch Vie de Pompée
Prayer Book
Prayer Book composite volume
Prayer Book containing a Prayer Cycle of the Life of Christ devided over the days of the week ff 29v112r
Prayer Book incomplete
PreEyckian realisme Rouengroup
Prière du pêcheur
Prière du voyageur
Prière en lhonneur des plaies de JesusChrist
Prière indulgencie
Prières au saint Sacrement
Prières de saint Anselme
Processional Office of the Dead
Protestation de foi
Psalter And other texts
Psalter Book of Hours Lay Breviary
Psalter Book of Hours use of Sarum
Psalter Breviary Bridgettine use
Psalter Master
Psalter in Dutch
Psalter with glosses of Anselm of Laon
PsalterBook of Hours use of Liège containing in French les 50 Ave de JhesuChrist les 50 Ave de NotreDame
PseudoApuleius Herbarius And other texts
PseudoAristotle Le Livre des problèmes Translation from the Latin by Évrard de Conty
Quinze signes du Jugement dernier
Rambures Master
Raoul Lefèvre Recoeil des Histoires de Troyes
Ravenelle Master
Roll of arms of European kings and princes
Rubrique dindulgence
Rudolf von Ems Willehalm von Orlens
Rule of St Augustine
Sermons for the liturgical year in Dutch
Simon Bening follower
Smaragdus Diadema monachorum
Speculum humanae salvationis
Speculum humanae salvationis And other texts
Statutes and armorial of the Order of the Golden Fleece
Statutes and ordonnances of the Order of St Michael
Statutes and ordonnances of the Order of the Golden Fleece
Statutes and regulations of the Chapter of St Servaes Maastricht 13241441
Statutes ordonnances and armorial of the Order of the Golden Fleece
Terentius Comoediae
The Limburg Sermons Limburgse Sermoenen Easter Play
Thomas a Kempis Dialogus noviciorum Book IIV And other texts
Traité du cérémonial et office darmes et de noblesse
Usuard Martyrology Evangeliary part Documents concerning the Crutched Friars
Utrecht Calendar
Vaillant La Cornerie des anges de Paradis Ballade composite volume
Vaillant Le Débat des deux soeurs ou Lembèche Vaillant
Valerius Maximus Des faits et dits mémorables Books IVII Translation from the Latin by Simon de Hesdin
Valerius Maximus Des faits et dits mémorables Translation from the Latin by Simon de Hesdin and Nicholas de Gonesse
Van den keyser rechte
Vegetius LArt de chevalerie Translation from the Latin by Jean de Meun Added Frontinus Stratagèmes
Vie de Ste Euphrosyne
Vie de Ste Marguerite
Vie de Ste Thais
Vie des Pères
Vie des Pères en prose Translation from the Latin made in 1486 at Lyons
Vincent of Beauvais Le Miroir Historial Vol II III IV Translation from the Latin by Jean de Vignay
Vincent of Beauvais Le Miroir Historial Vol IV Translation from the Latin by Jean de Vignay
Virgil Master
Virgil Opera omnia
Willem Vrelant
Willem Vrelant follower